Heinz zimmer
I love this artist because of the epicness of his scores. hes done so many films including “Rainman”‚ “Gladiator”‚ “The Lion King”‚ “As good As It Gets”‚ “The Preachers Wife”‚ “The Thin Red Line‚” “The Prince Of Egypt” and “The Last Samurai.”
Some of his other impressive scores include Pearl Harbor‚ The Ring‚4 films directed by Ridley Scott; Matchstick Men‚ Hannibal‚ Black Hawk Down and Thelma & Louise‚ Penny Marshall’s Riding In Cars With Boys and A League Of Their Own‚ Quentin Tarantino’s True Romance‚ Tears Of The Sun‚ Ron Howard’s Backdraft‚ Days Of Thunder‚ Smilla’s Sense Of Snow and the animated Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron and inception. these are just few among many.

vitaly s alexius
Im a huge fan of this artists webcomic Romantically apocalyptic but his "dreamanism" as he puts it is visually stunning and thought provoking as well. his art is dark, unique and has an elegence few artist are able to put within their work.

Bleeding Star Clothing
(((Welcome to Bleeding Star Clothing)))
This world will tear out your insides, throw em in a blender and spit em right back up in your face. Judgmental eyes will burn holes through your skull. They expect you to follow in a path that has been carved out for you, to be fit into the mold that has been cast for you, and for you to for chew the proverbial fat that society has so graciously provided you.

But we say who they to tell you how to live your life, you should your own set of rules... define your own set of truths. Grasp onto something and hold it for dear life, for they will continually try to tear you down, but it's time to rise above the crowd, stand tall, and hold your ground.

Stand up for what you believe in, despite how much persecution you may have to go through. No matter what ‘scene’ you may belong to, or whatever type of music you enjoy listening to. Whether you spend your days dancing to the pulse of a DJ, or rockin it at a hardcore show, just be true to yourself.
This is who we are...... we are BLEEDING STAR!!!

The interesting thing about Bleeding Star is its brutal, unique and fresh. You wont see to much of this in Hot Topic i dont think. Its different and perfect for anyone who wants to make a scene. their shirts are violent, and their models are beautiful but have take poses that give them a dangerous persona. if you want to be a different kind of stylish i would suggest this line of clothing
Scene Queens
since the first members of myspace royalty became the new meme back in about 2007 to 2009, i have been hooked on the beauty and luxery of these women. with names like kiki kanible whats not to love.
the following are my personal favorite models in scene queen fashion

Audrey Kitching -
Clementine Suicide -
Kiki Kannibal -
Brittany Kramer -
Aida Kamikaze -
Cherry Romance -
Hannie Dropkick -
Lara Loft - …
Dani Gore -
Deanna Degenerate
i know right. Now i would hate for such a beautiful scene to die. so what i am doing at this point is posting a model for the day in every post. i may also post with them a short bio and current whearsabouts of the model themselves. i may also be limiting each post to just one artist that way i can span posts out more. this will be the last accumulated post.

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