FCKH8.com: The "Teachers Can't Talk About Homos" Law from FCKH8.com on Vimeo.
FCKH8.com’s latest video takes on the forces of H8 behind the “Teachers Can’t Say Gay” Law in Tennessee. FCKH8.com will give 25¢ for every Facebook “Like” or Twitter tweet of the new video - up to $25,000 - to the Tennessee Equality Project! Please join us in supporting the work of TNEP.org The donation amount to TNEP will be calculated from Facebook & Twitter statistics & updates will be posted on our Twitter feed & Facebook page frequently. With a portion of every T-shirt sale donated to charities fighting for equal rights, we’ve raised over $250,000 for the cause. Funds are distributed throughout the year on a quarterly basis to organizations we are supporting!

NOTE: We are supporting the work of various groups but they DID NOT create or endorse our F-word-filled sometimes offensive videos or site in any way & often have asked not to be listed :)
The FCKH8.com video & website were created by non-profit media campaigner Luke Montgomery (That’s him above sportin’ the beard.) An overview of Luke’s work can be seen at: GoodIdeasforGoodCauses.com
To say that using profanity isnt a good way to produce a good image is to be ignorant of the fact that homosexuality has tried to produce a good image since the dawn of their persecution only to get fucked over by someone whom doesnt understand or care to.

funny thing about homosexuality for all you bible thumping hypocritical so called Christians is that nowhere does it say that its a crime against god to be perfectly clear it says that homosexuality is an abomination a VERY different word meaning socially detestable, which of course is obviously true.
but to say that god made you the way you are and that way will send you to hell is just completely false i belive. just thought id throw this out
so let them say fuck, its only a word, it offends because people allow it to offend them. not only is it offending but some should actually picture the idea that maybe they want it to be offending. offense gathers more attention especially if its humorous.

who wins....these guy's/gal's
i love fckh8, its a unique, funny, and creative organization that finally says enough is enough. i love fckh8
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